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«  And the winner is…  » Discover all the short movies that were nominated for the last Academy Awards
Oscars Ceremony.

Alles Wird Gut

Patrick Vollrath

Pays Austria, Germany
Genre Fiction
2015 @en - 30' - Color
Every other Friday of the month, a dad can spend a few hours with his daughter. He loves her. And she loves him. Until...

Ave Maria

Basil Khalil et Eric Dupont

Pays France, Germany, Palestine
Genre Fiction
2015 @en - 14'44 - Color
The Nuns of the "Sisters of Mercy" Convent, in the middle of the West Bank wilderness, have their daily routine of silence and prayer disrupted when a family of Jewish settlers come knocking at their door for help after crashing into the convent's wall.

Day One

Henry Hughes

Pays United States
Genre Fiction
2014 - 25' - Color
On the heels of a painful divorce, an Afghan-American woman joins the U.S. military as an interpreter and is sent to Afghanistan. On her first mission, she accompanies troops pursuing a bomb-maker, and must bridge the gender and culture gap to help the man's pregnant wife when she goes into labor.


Jamie Donoughue

Pays Kosovo, United Kingdom
Genre Fiction
2015 @en - 21'06 - Couleur
The friendship of two boys is tested to its limits as they battle for survival during the Kosovo war...


Benjamin Cleary, Serena Armitage

Pays Ireland, United Kingdom
Genre Fiction
2015 @en - 12'54 - Color
A lonely man with a cruel speech impediment must face his ultimate fear.