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National Competition 1

Make Aliens Dance

Petretti SeÌbastien

Pays Belgium
Genre Fiction
2017 - 24' - Color
Gillingham, UK, 2017. Mike is a music producer in free fall. Dan, his sound engineer is tired. Murphy, his brother isolates himself, hanging day and night on to his headphones, while Lilli, their mother, seems to slip out of reality.


Vandewynckel Laura

Pays Belgium
Genre Documentary
2017 - 13'12'' - Color
Two humans are debarked on the island of Sifnos to free its inhabitants from their burden. Step by step they are carried along through the reenactment of the ancient Pharmakos ritual.


Trocki Nikita

Pays Belgium
Genre Fiction
2017 - 18' - Color
An overworked father, a seductive girl, a maniacal son and "mummy" carefully tied in the back seat.


Marie Gillain

Pays Belgium
Genre Fiction
2017 - 13'52'' - Color
In the alleys of Ikea where he came to help his brother, Gaspard repeats the text of his casting. At the reception of the production company where it is done, Léa looks forward to her turn. But Benoît, Gaspard's brother, and Marie, the switchboarder, have many other priorities than this casting.