Esprit de famille
Zaterdag 11 augustus
Vaux-Hall – Warendepark (1000 Brussel)
Le Repas dominical
Céline Devaux
Pays Frankrijk
Genre Animatie
2015 @nl - 13'47 - Color
It’s Sunday. At lunch, James observes his family. They ask him questions, but don’t listen to his answers; they give him advice but don’t follow them themselves. They caress him, they smack him, but it’s normal, it is lunch on Sunday.
Trekanter af Lykke
Jannik Dahl Pedersen
Pays Denemarken
Genre Fictie
2014 - 13'50'' - Color
Hanne and Carsten are desperately trying to keep up with the illusion of a happy family life to their nosy neighbors.
Stéphane Bergmans
Pays Belgïe
Genre Fictie
2013 @nl - 16'10'' - Color
Christian and Andrew, two distant, rediscover each other at a party believing they have won the Lotto. Christian decides not to admit that he didn't validate his ticket ...
En attendant le dégel
Sarah Hirtt
Pays Belgïe
Genre Fictie
2012 @nl - 20' - Color
Long divided siblings meet for the moving out of one of them. The atmosphere is tense. Valery, Victor and Vincianne take the road, not knowing that the trip will be hazardous…
Famille à vendre
Sébastien Petretti
Pays Belgïe
Genre Fictie
2013 @nl - 15' - Color
A small hole in a condom back in 1980, and Xav is conceived… Ironic when you know that Oscar owns a sex shop.