National competition 5
Laurent Michelet
Pays Belgium
Genre Fiction
2017 - 28'30'' - Color
Adèle has been working for more than three years on Orbit Defence, a space station in charge of Earth's security using drone pilots. Today is her last routine mission before returning home, back to her family, and especially her daughter. That's without taking Murphy’s Law into account…
Ce qui demeure
Anne-Lise Morin
Pays Belgium
Genre Fiction
2016 - 16'58'' - Color
Today, Pierrot is seven. And loses his first tooth. He celebrates the event with his brother, sister and father. The only one missing is his mum, in bed upstairs.
Saint Hubert
Jules Comes
Pays Belgium
Genre Fiction
2017 - 19'30'' - Color
A forester in the east part of Belgium lives a peaceful life in the forest. When there is a big investigation in the forest, organized by the federal police, problems start to occur. This ends up in a conflict between the forester and one of the police officers. A clash between nature and the modern world.