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False twins editing

From the same shooting rushes, two fourth year students from the IAD film school will edit their own short film, watched over by the careful eyes of Benoît Mariage and Bernard de Dessus les Moustier. A real challenge that we urge you to discover during a special screening.


Hadrien Egea, Morgane Thibaut

Pays Belgium
Genre Fiction
2016 - 9'54'' - Color
Lily hopes sharing a moment of complicity for the 50th birthday of her mother who rather dreams about a second youth.


Jacques Lemaire, Gaspard Audouin

Pays Belgium
Genre Fiction
2016 - 15'12'' - Color
At the wedding anniversary of his childhood friends, Jean-Pierre denies the financial bankruptcy he is undergoing. He will use his talents to remain the prosperous man his friends know. However, his wife begins to understand ...


Louise Dendraën, Michiel Blanchart

Pays Belgium
Genre Fiction
2016 - 13'13'' - Color
Lulu sees his ex-boyfriend during the The outgoing inventory of fixtures of their old apartment