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Saturday July 14th
Vaux-Hall – Brussels Park (1000 Brussels)


Ugeux Jean-Benoit

Pays Belgium
Genre Fiction
2017 - 16' - Color
Fouad finds himself among people in their thirties in an evening where he knows no one; he has been introduced by his friend Fabien from the Flemish class. The evening goes pretty well until one of the guests realizes that his bag is gone.


Ronny Trocker

Pays Belgium
Genre Fiction
2016 - 7'26 - Color
On a sunny Mediterranean beach, time seems to be frozen. An utterly exhausted black man crawls painfully off the sand while around him the holiday-makers seem not to notice him. Freely inspired by a photo taken by Juan Medina on the Spanish beach of Gran Tarajal in 2006.

Girl Fact

Maël Lagadec

Pays Belgium
Genre Fiction
2016 - 16'28'' - Color
Survival guide of a teenage girl facing sexual slavery.

Phone Story

Binevsa Berivan

Pays Belgium
Genre Fiction
2009 @en - 16' - Black & White
Memo est un immigré kurde habitant à Bruxelles. Il travaille dans une petite boutique de téléphonie. Poussé par sa curiosité et sa solitude il décide d'écouter les conversations téléphonique de ses clients. En particulier celles de la belle Leïla.

Espagnol Niveau 1

Guy Dessent

Pays Belgium
Genre Fiction
2014 - 22' - Color
Victor, a young Belgian-Uruguayan, returns to Belgium. He is forced to study anything in order to be eligible for welfare. He will have no other choice but to sign up for a Spanish Level 1 course for which he has to pretend he does not know a single word of Spanish, his mother tongue.