International Competition 1
Scaremonger by Sasa Numic
Sasa Numic
Pays United States
Genre Fiction
2013 @en - 22'27'' - Couleur
Hearing news that her 10-year-old son is being bullied because of his feminine long eyelashes, a single mother descends into a paranoid spiral of nightmares as she tries to protect him by trapping him inside.
Kanarinët e Dinë (The Canaries Know) by Kaltrina Krasniqi
Kaltrina Krasniqi
Pays Denmark, Kosovo
Genre Fiction
2014 - 16'50'' - Couleur
It has been 10 years of occupation; now finally, the agreement is signed. Tonight the country will be bombed. A Pristina family found themselves in this event kind of unprepared. However, in fear, they decide to call it a celebration, only the two boys, Arber and Tomor, don't. They play the detached and the cynical. The first bomb falls, and everyone knows that nothing will ever be the same again.
Die Jacke (The Jacket) by Patrick Vollrath
Patrick Vollrath
Pays Austria
Genre Fiction
2014 - 9'13'' - Couleur
A boy meets a girl. It could be love. But there is this jacket, too. And the jacket will change everything...
Every Day is a Small Life by Albane Fioretti & Lou-Brice Léonard
Albane Fioretti, Lou-Brice Léonard
Pays France
Genre Fiction
2014 - 27' - Couleur
A council estate on the Mediterranean coast. Living in a modest caravan amongst the tower blocks, Rachel, 80 years old, dreams of returning to her native Algeria. Her son Simon doesn't want to know anything about it. Stella, her grand-daughter, describes them as a really awful family. Fortunately they are surrounded by the good humor of Yazid, alias Gino, and the entire neighborhood...