International Competition 6
Alles Wird Gut
Patrick Vollrath
Pays Austria, Germany
Genre Fiction
2015 @en - 30' - Color
Every other Friday of the month, a dad can spend a few hours with his daughter. He loves her. And she loves him. Until...
Tato Kotetishvili
Pays Georgia
Genre Fiction
2015 @en - 8'17 - Color
Murat and Masha decide to get married. But before they can achieve the goal, life has some unbelievable and sad stories in store for them.
Las Cosas Simples
Álvaro Anguita
Pays Chile
Genre Fiction
2015 @en - 26' - Color
Penelope is a civil servant who lives with her mother, who has Alzheimer's. One day she meets Ulises, a poor old man who has lost his memory and his identity papers. She convinces him that he is her father and he must come home to take care of his wife.
Gerhard Funk
Pays Duitsland, Germany
Genre Animation
2015 @en - 6'55 - Color
Rise into being, mature, perish – FRUIT tells a creation story. As the animation unfolds, it brings forth a play of shapes illustrating the dialog between two mythological forces – the West and the East.
L’âge de raison
Mathilde Petit
Pays France
Genre Fiction
2015 @en - 16'07 - Color
In Pablo’s world, each citizen chooses his career at the age of seven – with disastrous consequences for society. Pablo and his friends decide to take matters into their own hands.