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International Competition 10

31.08.2021 – 19.00 – Kinograph

Out of nearly 6800 short films submissions (received in 2020 and in 2021), 98 films from 36 countries will compete for the prizes in the International Competition.

In addition to the films selected in 2021, the 24th edition of the BSFF also welcomes the films selected for the International Competition in 2020 which had to be postponed.

Winners of the Grand Prix in the International Competition and National Competitions are considered for pre-selection for the Oscars® in the Best Fiction/Animation Short Film category provided that the film complies with the Academy’s rules.


Bruno Collet

Pays France
Genre Animation
2019 - 12'02" - Couleur
Recently, Louis, painter, is experiencing strange events. His world seems to be mutating. Slowly, furnitures, objects, people lose their realism. They are destructuring, sometimes disintegrating …

Invisível Herói

Cristèle Alves Meira

Pays Portugal
Genre Fiction
2019 - 28'02" - Couleur
Duarte, a blind man in his 50's, starts to look for his Cape Verdean friend, Leandro, who mysteriously disappeared. Despite Lisbon's summer heat, Duarte walks miles in his neighbourhood but no one seems to have seen him, nor remembers him. His quest will eventually lead him to the heart of the night and reveal his secret.


Alexander Gratzer

Pays Austria
Genre Animation
2019 - 6'51" - Couleur
While two birds talk about their existence, a small apple makes its way into the depths of a cave.

Tres Veces

Paco Ruiz

Pays Spain
Genre Fiction
2020 - 20'41" - Couleur
Mario is at home alone. His parents are gone and it will take them a while to return. Enough time for their son to arrange a sex date on the Internet with a total stranger.


Robert Ly

Pays France
Genre Fiction
2019 - 17'07" - Couleur
To get a computer and spend time on internet, a Sheep convinces his father that he can become an important writer.

A Simple F*cking Gesture

Jesse Shamata

Pays Canada
Genre Fiction
2019 - 8'05" - Couleur
Emotions escalate and a confrontation ensues when a couple doesn't get a "thank you" wave after letting another driver cut in.