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Shorts of the juries

Quand on est amoureux, c’est merveilleux

Fabrice Du Welz

Pays Belgium
Genre Fiction
1999 @en - 23'00'' - Color
Lara, a worn-out woman, lives on her own. For her 39th birthday, she hires Joe, a stripper. She thinks she’s found passionate love with him. When he decides to leave, she stands in his way...


Vania Leturcq

Pays Belgium
Genre Fiction
2006 @en - 13'00'' - Color
In an hotel room, a young woman is waiting for the man she Loves...

Have a nice day honey

Lionel Jadot

Pays Belgium
Genre Fiction
2010 @en - 09'00'' - Color
Do you think it’s possible to escape your life? Who knows the smell of freedom?

La Morsure

Joyce A Nashawati

Pays France
2010 @en - 09'00'' - Color
An empty park in Paris. The sky is low and dense, the trees are naked. A young and nervous woman waits for her lover. The liitle gril with her plays in silence. The man arrives. The little girl decides to explore the park.

Alice et moi

Micha Wald

Pays Belgium
Genre Fiction
2004 @en - 18'00'' - Black & White
Simon (30), must give a ride to the sea to his grandmother and her two friends. While driving, he has an argument with his girlfriend.