Affaires de famille
- Friday 03.05 – 15h – Studio 5 (Flagey)
Created in partnership with The Belgian Short Film Agency and Dalton Distribution, as part of the project En cour(t)s de route, ‘Affaires de famille – In de beste families’ is a program of 5 short films by a new generation of women filmmakers. These films, both powerful and moving, explore the family in every sense of the term, and offer these young women directors the opportunity to illustrate, each in their own way, the notion of being welded to one another: sometimes by purely genetic ties, sometimes by the recomposition of households, and sometimes by encounters resulting from the hazards of life.
Charlotte Lybaert
Pays Belgium
Genre Fiction
2022 - 17' - Color - Sous-titres: OV NL ST FR
Joris (40) and Eva (38) are madly in love. Their young love gains momentum when they introduce their children to each other for the first time. Is love enough to maintain the relationship?
Drôle d’oiseau (Strange Bird) – Affaires de famille
Anouk Fortunier
Pays Belgium
Genre Fiction
2015 @en - 14' - Color - Sous-titres: OV NL/FR ST NL/FR
When Zoé has to write a composition about the weekend, she talks about her bipolar father, Pierre, even though Zoé doesn't use the word herself. After school, her father picks her up and they go on an adventure, while Zoé tries to balance Pierre's daily struggle with her own vivid imagination.
De Veestapel aan de Kribbe
Julie Vanlerberghe Breyten Van Der Donck
Pays Belgium
Genre Fiction
2023 - 14' - Color - Sous-titres: OV NL ST FR
Christmas Eve, somewhere in the 90s. For the first time, the family party is no longer hosted by Aunt Greet, but at Julie's house, where her mom pulls out all the stops to make the party a success and impress her family.
Mathilde Remy
Pays Belgium
Genre Animation
2016 - 6' - Color - Sous-titres: OV FR ST NL
A family dinner is organized for the grandmother's birthday. This meal is an opportunity to see the anguish, the fears, the wickedness of this family.
Se dit d’un cerf qui quitte son bois (Said of a deer that sheds its antlers)
Salome Crickx
Pays Belgium
Genre Fiction
2023 - 20' - Color - Sous-titres: OV FR ST NL
Today is the 167th annual moult, a ceremony to promote ideological renewal. This year, in this countryside village, it is Ben and his parents' turn to experience the moult.